Pure accountability: get that thing done 

by | Apr 11, 2022 | coaching, tools

Well hello there! I want to let you know about a New!Thing that I’ve just created. 

Actually, it’s not entirely new. 

And it’s not entirely about writing. (OOER!) 

Story time! Gather ’round my dears and I’ll tell you a tale of what happens when you ignore the intuitive nudge and instead do what others tell you. 

Once upon a time, I worked as a non-fiction book editor. I dove into seas of words every day, splashed around happily, and occasionally came up for air. 

I played with the idea of writing coaching, dabbled a bit, but wasn’t ready to own the expertise I had.

And let’s face it: most of the writers I worked with needed accountability check-ins, not more involved coaching. 

So I thought up a package I called ‘Pure Accountability’. 

It did exactly what it said: accountability, pure and simple. 

The plan was to do:

  • A weekly 30-minute call to check in, covering what’s been done and what’s next, plus a mindset checkpoint
  • A one-pager worksheet to complete before the call, to use as a to-do list/reminder between this call and the next

But. (Isn’t there always a ‘but’ when you’re learning to take notice of your intuition?) 

The business coach I had back then quashed the idea. 

She said it ‘lacked substance’ and that people wouldn’t go for it because they needed to be given more for their money. 

She persuaded me that they needed whole workbooks, videos, masterclasses… things that I reckoned people would use as distractions rather than focussing on the most important work that they wanted to get done. 

And because I was a newbie at online business, I believed her. 

I didn’t (yet) have faith in my own instincts. 

Or know that I could go against a coach’s advice and not suffer some terrible fate. 

I had no clue I could have launched it anyway, and just gone with what people were asking for. (I love baby-biz me, so very earnest and trying to please!) 

Fast forward 8 years to now.

I’m now a writing coach, but I increasingly have people asking me for accountability. 

Some get enough from being a member of my Book.Write.Now With Me writing membership, but not all. 

And they’re not all writing books either. 

I also work with painters, creatives, business owners.

People who want a creative incubator space. 

And I suddenly thought… “What if?” 

What if I revisited the idea of Pure Accountability? 

What if it’s exactly what some people need, whether they’re writing books or following another creative or business, or personal passion project? 

I provide writing, business and personal accountability to some amazing people already: 


Business owners in the sustainability space


Super successful business owners

So I reinvigorated Pure Accountability, and it feels GOOD. 

If you’re in a stage where you know you need to get your project done, but *also* know you need someone to be there, watching and making sure you hit those milestones while you do: here’s your invitation. 

If that sounds like just what you need to get moving on that project that won’t go away, check out Pure Accountability and apply for a spot here. 

I absolutely love having a front row seat while helping people get stuff done! 

x Tamara

PS: Yes, I am still writing a book, and words and writing are incredibly dear to my heart. I will not be stopping the word-nerdery or writing chat, and my course and membership remain a major part of what I do. I just know better than to ignore a nudge from The Management now. 😉

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