It’s time to descend

Last time Trump won, in 2016, I encouraged, rallied, gave the pep talk. I called you to stand up, be loud, be the change you wanted to see in the world. I said it was more important than ever to hold the light, have your say, raise your voice. And it was. But this...

Boost Your Writing: use the power of your nose

Howdy! If you’re reading this, then chances are that you’re a writer. And chances are that you really, really want to write better/faster/for longer/without losing focus or procrastinating. Uh huh… ME TOO! I used to really struggle to write regularly, and when I did...
How Do I Write My Book?

How Do I Write My Book?

There are more frustrated writers out there than you’d believe.    I know, because I talk to writers, and would-be writers for a good amount of time each week, and also, because Himself STILL hasn’t finished the book he started in 2012. We all have excuses...