Go Hard or Go Home vs Softly Softly

Writing advice online. There’s a ton of it out there, and seeing as I’m not writing a book at present, I thought I’d spend some time looking at it. Talk about falling down the rabbit hole! I think I lost a week or two. (What year is this?) But it was...


It’s popping up again and again in my life lately. People pointing out what my family and I do differently, as though I didn’t know it myself. My son has long hair. Different! My daughter just cut all of hers off and dyed a streak of it turquoise – and yes I helped....

Your MTR (and what this actually is)

I think we’ve all been there: The paralysis that can happen when you sit to write, or think about writing, and suddenly you think of them. All of the people who have ever made fun of you, criticized you, made you feel small. Add in all of the people who you think do...

What is planning, anyway? (you know, for your book)

This is an excerpt from an eBook I’m writing at present, that you’ll be able to download for FREE pretty soon. If you’re short on time and just want me to give you a nudge when the eBook’s available, pop your name in the box on the right to get...

Your plan = your power

This is an excerpt from an eBook I’m writing at present, that you’ll be able to download for FREE pretty soon. (And I’m just going to say that it’s taking a LOT of restraint to be this low-key about it. I’m loving this eBook so hard right...