How to know your own voice

A lot of space is given to discussions of voice whenever writers gather. We talk about how to find our authentic voice, how each of us has a unique voice, and how our voice is important – a reflection of our gift to our readers. Our voice as our expression in...

Worth repeating again: the NOW book

“There is the NOW book, and there are the other books.” – Andrew Griffiths I was struck by this, because a lot of my clients do get stuck because there are lots of ideas in their heads about useful books that they can write. This is great on one...

9 Tips to get rhythm into your writing life

Most of us have an idea in our minds of a writer as someone who writes effortlessly, regularly, and has access to the Muse on demand. It can be hard to sit down and put words on a page when writing can feel stilted, clunky and artificial. Many of us secretly feel like...

Guest post on Invincible Summer

Hello!Today I have a guest post up at Invincible Summer: many thanks to Jess Morrow for having me over there, it’s always fun to go visiting. You can read it here… Jess has just launched her Invincible Summer e-course as a totally re-vamped multimedia...

Good writing, simple solutions

Often the best solutions are really simple. Working with writers in my new PowerWords sessions, I keep coming back to this essential point. The more complex the solution, the more likely it is to stop working. The more moving parts there are to keep track of, the more...


Have you ever wondered why we have so many of our good (even our best?) ideas in the shower? There are quite a number of theories – that we’re by ourselves, that warm water somehow draws them out, that out-of-tune singing is good for thinking, that the...