Your Book Structure

Your Book Structure

If you get your book structure right, you’ll write more easily and your reader will be looked after. It’s a win/win! What is structure?   Lots of people use the words “structure” and “plan” interchangeably. This is fine,...
Writer’s block: how to unblock your writing flow

Writer’s block: how to unblock your writing flow

​​I think we’ve all been there: the dreaded writer’s block. “Help,” you might think, “why am I doing this again?”  It’s important to know you’re not alone if you’re wondering how to get through writer’s block. It’s a really common thing that the authors I work...
How long should my book be? 

How long should my book be? 

Some of the most common questions people ask me are: “How long should my book be?”, “How many pages is a ‘proper’ book?” and “How thick should my book be?”  You’d think I’d get questions about how long it takes to write a book, but that’s not the usual question.  It...

Boost Your Writing: use the power of your nose

Howdy! If you’re reading this, then chances are that you’re a writer. And chances are that you really, really want to write better/faster/for longer/without losing focus or procrastinating. Uh huh… ME TOO! I used to really struggle to write regularly, and when I did...

The vital thing you must do before you plan your book

You might think that planning your book is what you need to do before you start writing.     You might even have several book plans, scribbled out on pieces of scrap paper, or in notebooks (having a notebook makes you feel like a real writer, doesn’t it?)....