Good writing, simple solutions

Often the best solutions are really simple. Working with writers in my new PowerWords sessions, I keep coming back to this essential point. The more complex the solution, the more likely it is to stop working. The more moving parts there are to keep track of, the more...

The rise of the cyborg…

By it’s very truest definition, technology has been with us since the first rock was lifted and used to break open a nut. But did you ever think of yourself as a cyborg? If you have a mobile phone, even an old one, if you have a bluetooth earpiece, if you use a...


Have you ever wondered why we have so many of our good (even our best?) ideas in the shower? There are quite a number of theories – that we’re by ourselves, that warm water somehow draws them out, that out-of-tune singing is good for thinking, that the...

Responsibility and graffiti

I recently read a Facebook status update from my brother-in-law. He’s a fellow wordy type and his update read: Blogging is not writing, it’s graffiti with punctuation. Hmm. Interesting, I thought. I blog. It’s brought up some thoughts for me in the...

What do you know?

The trick, I think, is to let people know what you know. The ins and outs of your topic may seem obvious to you, but you probably spend your time working at it or thinking about it – old hat for you. Your right people, your readers, are reading you for a reason....